Portfolio & Programme Management

Management, Leadership & Delivery

Setting You Up For Long Term Success

When a business or organisation decides on strategic initiatives that involve change, portfolio management is the process by which the strategy is analysed and decisions about delivering it are made.

We design and implement a robust programme & portfolio management capability, which provides processes and standards based on industry-leading templates.

This includes the establishment of a portfolio process that includes a triaging of new ideas – external, internal, regulatory and mandatory.

Once the case for change is established, in line with your strategic vision, how do you plan its implementation, often against an existing landscape of projects and programmes?

We assess every step, from the conceptual design through to delivery. 

What We Do

  • Innovation Portfolio Management

    We oversee the creation of a Portfolio Management infrastructure that will, among other things, enable a business structure that analyses new opportunities against the strategic objectives of the business and enables evidence-based decisions to be made on new initiatives.

  • Programme & Project Delivery

    We have the capability to steer the project, or projects, from concept to completion, either through a hands-on contribution, working closely with you and your team, or through taking full ownership of, and delivering, a turnkey solution.

  • Acceleration & Recovery

    We will assess how your systems and processes are working once the transformation has been delivered, and can make any revisions and upgrades required to optimise the new solution. We have valuable experience in taking on large transformation projects, bringing clarity to the scope and design and helping to drive through delivery. 

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